Picture of Manual Haynes for 2005 Vespa GTS 250 ie (ABS) (EFI)
Manufacturer: Haynes Manuals
Availability: Out of stock
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SKU: EP902278|HL974898|TL1073780
Part Number: EP902278
£ 21.26
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Haynes Workshop Manual Vespa GTS, GTV, S, LX125, 250 & 300ie (fuel injected)

What's covered:
GTS125/150 124/151cc (09-18)
GTS250 244cc (05-09)
GTS300 278cc (08-18)
GTV/GT250 244cc (07-10)
GTV300 278cc (2010)
LX125/150 124/151cc (09-14)
LXV125/150 124cc (10-14)
S125/150 124/151cc (09-13)
Primavera 124cc (14-18)
Sprint 124cc (14-18)
Includes Super, SuperSport, Touring, i-get and Special Edition/Anniversary models. Covers mechanical features of the 946.